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Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee of the Professional School of Education works across faculties and draws up ethics votes, which are required for publication and application procedures, for example, for all those working in teacher training at RUB.

Since 28 June 2024, Prof. Dr Julian Roelle (Educational Psychology) has headed the Ethics Committee in collaboration with Prof. Dr Christian Bunnenberg (Didactics of History and Public History) and Prof. Dr Katrin Rolka (Didactics of Mathematics). The term of office of the current commission is three years (until 27 June 2027). Please contact pse-ethik@rub.de if you have any questions or concerns.


Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth

Building GA 2/132
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum

Dr. Marie Vanderbeke
(Contact person)

Building GAFO 05/622
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum
+49 (0)234 32-29884