
© H. Busing/

Professional School of Education


The PSE has been dedicated to the topic of inclusion for several years. It coordinates and supports the implementation of inclusion-oriented elements in teaching subjects and educational sciences. To this end, the PSE works closely with the subjects and faculties involved in teacher education as well as with external partners.
The basis for inclusion is a concept paper on the 'Integration of inclusive training elements in the teacher training program at theRuhr-Universität Bochum', which was adopted by the School Board of the PSE in 2017. Based on this, the PSE has implemented numerous measures and programs to sustainably anchor and continuously develop inclusion in teacher education at the RUB. Since winter semester 2016/17, this has included the annual "Future Workshop on Inclusion" in cooperation with colleagues from the University Alliance Ruhr.
The goal is first to inventory the extent to which students deal with the topic of inclusion in courses in educational science and subject didactics. Subsequently, extracurricular offers are to be developed, which deepen this knowledge in additional courses. Current events and information can be found here.


Sina Werner (M.Ed)
Research assistant

Building GB 6/153
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum
0234 32-22597

Cosima Quirl (M.A.)
Research assistant
Building GA 1/58
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum
0234 32-26747