Projektbeginn: 01.01.2012
Projektende: 31.12.2015
Projektstatus: Abgeschlossen
Beteiligte CoES-Mitglieder
Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel
(Pädagogische Psychologie und Bildungstechnologie)
Dr. Astrid Wichmann
Online peer assessment scenarios in which students provide feedback to work of their fellow students have gained popularity in higher education. Besides demonstrating the potential for learning, research however also indicates that when students are being assessed by their peer assessors, they have problems to capitalize on the feedback they receive, which can result in poor feedback uptake or a complete rejection of the feedback. Reasons can be related to the lack of negotiation possibilities during online peer assessment and to a lack of awareness of the assessor's knowledge on the part of the assessee. In four experiments, we investigate the benefits of providing different types of support for the assessee. We follow a research design that combines controlled lab experiments with field studies conducted in classrooms. The proposed research will contribute to the literature on peer assessment shedding light on two factors that might render this form of learning more effective. In addition, it will enable us to provide guidelines for practitioners on how to support learners in such settings.
digitale Lernsettings, experimentelle Studie, Lehrentwicklung, Peer assessment
Gefördert durch German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF)