Projektbeginn: 01.11.2019
Projektende: 31.10.2022
Projektstatus: Abgeschlossen
Beteiligte CoES-Mitglieder
Dr. Julia Eberle
(Lehrstuhl Pädagogische Psychologie)
Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel
(Pädagogische Psychologie und Bildungstechnologie)
Prof. Dr. Markus König
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herrmann
For the success of large-scale construction projects, it is critical to merge technical information that different engineering disciplines contribute during the construction process. However, even when all essential information is visualized in digital 3D models, interdisciplinary communication and coordination are complicated and often fail. Consequently, civil engineering students need explicit training for collaborative coordination between different disciplines and for effectively facilitating communication and collaboration during Building Information Modelling (BIM).
For successful coordination of complex multidisciplinary information in digital 3D modelling, engineers need to have effective internal collaboration scripts for that situation. However, previous research has shown that beneficial internal collaboration scripts do not simply develop in implicit experiential learning but require explicit practice.
In order to help students to develop beneficial collaboration scripts in digitally supported settings as well as interdisciplinary communication and collaboration skills necessary for BIM, the KoLiBRI-project partners develop and evaluate an instructional concept in a design-based research process. During the development of this instructional concept, the interplay of external collaboration scripts and group-awareness tools will be investigated in laboratory settings and field studies. The aim of this project is to innovate BIM training within the civil engineering study program at Ruhr-University Bochum and provide a best practice example and guidelines for other BIM training programs.
group-awareness, Ingenieurswissenschaften, Instruktionsdesign, Kooperatives Lernen, Skripte
Gefördert durch BMBF